Rubco Rubber Trading & Farmers Alliance Strategy

The rubber plantation sector in the country is dominated by small holdings, almost 10 Lakhs in number, 88 % of the area and production come from small holdings. Rubber plantation provides raw material for the product manufacturing industry.In India, 72.2 % of the production is processed as Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS). Block Rubber, Concentrated Latex, Crepe Rubber and others account for 9.8%, 10.5% and 7.77% respectively.
RUFAAS – Objective
Modernise the sector to achieve high efficiency in production and marketing
To ensure remunerative price to small holders
In this background, the Kerala State Rubber Co-operative Ltd., otherwise known as RUBCO, started a comprehensive scheme to interact with the farmer directly with processing and other support facilities so that small and marginal farmers can avoid the cumbersome process of sheet making in their small holdings. Since small holdings are only between 0.5 to 2 Ha, generally, and do not have infrastructure facilities, it is very difficult for them to make quality sheets. In the international market the quality of the sheets are very important. With this in view, we are presenting a technology oriented farmer based market plan under the name and style of project ‘RUFAAS‘.